Infection Control

Mugga Wara Endoscopy Centre has a rigorous infection prevention and control program overseen by the management committee.

Elements of this program are:

  • Risk management policy and process
  • Infection control policies based on guidelines from the National Health and Medical Research Council, Australian Standard AS/NZ 4187, GESA and GENCA Infection Control in Endoscopy and the National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards.
  • Education and training of staff so they understand and implement the policies and procedures
  • Monitor and review process that ensures policies and procedures are implemented correctly
  • A surveillance system that regularly tests water and equipment for pathogens.

Mugga Wara Endoscopy Centre has had zero reportable infections in patients post procedure since inception.

Got a question? Contact us today.

Monday – Friday 7:30am – 6:00pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

Suite 1 - Equinox 2
70 Kent St
Deakin ACT 2600

© 2020- Mugga Wara Endscopy Centre

Website by: WebInjection