Here you'll find answers to the most commonly asked questions here at Mugga Wara Endsocopy Centre.

Am I ok to go to work the following day after my procedure?

This will depend on the procedure that you've had. If you're not sure, please contact us.

Gastroscopy and /or Colonoscopy
Yes, if your procedure went well and you had no complications, you can return to work the following day, but do rest the day of the procedure. If you have any issues that may prevent you to attending work or social activities the following day, please inform our staff when we call you. We would like to know if you have any problems and we can assist in following up with these.

Banding of Haemorrhoids
Even though the sedation has worn off, you may be too uncomfortable to return to work the following day. A medical certificate can be issued to cover the day of the procedure and the following day.

Removal of Anal Tags
Even though the sedation has worn off, you will be too uncomfortable to return to work for a week or so. A medical certificate can be issued to cover the rest of the week and following week.

If there are any concerns please get in touch.

How soon may I eat after my procedure?

Initially, you will sleep for 20-30 minutes after your procedure. When you are awake fully and able to sit up, we will offer you some light refreshments.

This will include a sandwich and biscuit with a drink. When you are discharged you may eat and drink as you desire unless you need to fast for any further tests that day. Remember do not over eat as you may experience some cramping or wind pain.

Will I be seeing the doctor after my procedure?

Yes. All our doctors will see their patients after they have woken from the sedation.

You will be given a copy of the report and some other post-procedure information. The doctor will explain if they have taken any biopsies (samples) and /or polyps. They will give an explanation of any other findings. The nurses can explain any further details and give you some extra information if you require it.

How long will the procedure take?

These are estimates only.

Banding of Haemorrhoids
Excision of Anal Tags

10 - 20 minutes
20 - 50 minutes
10 minutes
20 - 30 minutes

Sometimes procedures may take longer depending on your other health problems, anaesthetic requirements and any extra procedures that may be required, for example if you have many polyps for removal.

Will I be sedated for long?

You will only be sedated for as long as the procedure takes.

The sedationist will put a small needle in your hand/ arm for the sedation. This will be done in the few minutes before your procedure. Once the nurses and doctors are ready to start the procedure, the sedation will commence. The doctor will wait until the sedation has taken effect before starting the procedure. This only takes a few minutes.

The sedationists will administer small amounts of medication regularly to ensure your comfort. You should wake from your sedation at the end of the procedure or shortly after. You will be sleepy for up to 10-20 minutes after the procedure and will need to rest.

Got a question? Contact us today.

Monday – Friday 7:30am – 6:00pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

Suite 1 - Equinox 2
70 Kent St
Deakin ACT 2600

© 2020- Mugga Wara Endscopy Centre

Website by: WebInjection