
We would like your feedback on any issues that you may have with our processes within the Centre.

All complaints and compliments are followed through and reported to the appropriate committees and the Board. We welcome any feedback you may have to improve our service. We have feedback forms available at the reception desk if you wish to collect one. A stamped envelope can be attached for your convenience. Otherwise it can be returned to the centre by email or fax.

Would you like to be involved in our Consumer Quality Improvement Program?

If you have some free time and would like to be involved in any improvement with our service, we are happy to have your input. This could involve:

  • Suggestions on patient information brochures
  • Involvement in consumer processes within the centre
  • Infection Control issues
  • Quality activities

If this interests you, please speak to one of our staff or contact Mugga Wara Endoscopy Centre for some more information. Your input into making our service better is greatly appreciated.

Got a question? Contact us today.

Monday – Friday 7:30am – 6:00pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

Suite 1 - Equinox 2
70 Kent St
Deakin ACT 2600

© 2020- Mugga Wara Endscopy Centre

Website by: WebInjection