Accreditation Standards

Mugga Wara Endoscopy Centre is accredited with the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards program against the National Safety and Quality Service Standards for Day Procedure Centres standards.

We have continuous compliance with the certification standard. The endoscopy suite conforms to the standards for Endoscopy Facilities and Services – 3rd Edition, 2006 GESA & GENCA. We implement a Quality Management System that complies with the international Quality standard ISO: 9001:2016 and National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards. The primary objective of this quality system is to demonstrate through accreditation that we comply with, and where possible, exceed the requirements of all the relevant Australian standards, Codes of Practice Legislation and Industry Best Practice. This objective ensures that we deliver the standard of service expected by our patients and referring doctors

The Management team of Mugga Wara Endoscopy Centre’s role is to implement and maintain systems, resources, education and training to ensure that the clinical and nonclinical workforce deliver safe effective and reliable healthcare.

Establishing partnerships with patients, carers and consumers is an important part of delivering quality care in a safe environment.

We participate in the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) Clinical Indicator Program. The ACHS Clinical Indicator Program allows health care organisations to submit clinical indicator data to the National Aggregate Indicator Database, and provides information to assist in identifying opportunities to improve the quality of health care delivery

We have a Health Care Facility Licence with ACT Health Protection Service and are members of The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards and The Australian Day Hospital Association.

Got a question? Contact us today.

Monday – Friday 7:30am – 6:00pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

Suite 1 - Equinox 2
70 Kent St
Deakin ACT 2600

© 2020- Mugga Wara Endscopy Centre

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