Information We Need

We would ask you to provide the following information before your procedure

  • Name and contact details of next of kin (for our records)
  • Name and contact details of the responsible adult that will be transporting you home. As you are having sedation for your procedure, you are not to drive for at least 12 hrs. This is for the safety of you and others. If involved in an accident, insurance companies will not provide cover.
  • List of regular medications - prescription and non-prescription
  • Any allergies or sensitivities to latex, drugs, foods etc. This is important as some drugs we use may be soy or egg based.
  • Relevant medical history
  • If you have an Advance Health Directive. This is a document that is put together by a solicitor regarding your health wishes if an unexpected event should happen whilst in a health care facility. If you do have this document, please inform staff on arrival.
  • Any infectious communicable diseases that you may have come into contact within the last 2 weeks. This may include whooping cough, chicken pox, shingles, tuberculosis, etc. If you are unsure please contact the centre for clarification prior to your admission day. Your procedure may be delayed until a time that you are at less risk of transferring the disease to others.
  • Any infections you have been diagnosed with recently that have been labelled as a multi-resistant organism or infection of the gastro-intestinal tract eg MRSA, VRE, CRE, C. diff. or Norovirus
  • Any other relevant information you think is necessary for us to know to make your stay with us safe and comfortable.

Got a question? Contact us today.

Monday – Friday 7:30am – 6:00pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

Suite 1 - Equinox 2
70 Kent St
Deakin ACT 2600

© 2020- Mugga Wara Endscopy Centre

Website by: WebInjection